Archive for the ‘Music’ Category



November 20, 2009

Hey There!

Thought I would share a recollection about Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan is by far one of the greatest musicians ever. I say this because Dylan has musical vision. Dylan does musically what is right for that particular circumstance.

Bob Dylan is at the first Farm Aid music event. Its got to be easily close to 90 degrees outside. Rock n’ roll performers were at the concert. But the spirit of rock n’ roll wasn’t. At least not until Dylan hit the stage. Dylan walks out as the leather clad rocker head-to-toe in black leather and unleashes a furious version of Maggies Farm. The image above shows off Dylan from the first Farm Aid in 1985.

It warmed my heart to see rock n’ roll represented at the concert like that. I guess what I am saying is that we as human beings need to rise above the harsh pettiness of the world around us and do the same sort of things to inspire others.

I have been involved with a gaming convention called WinterCon 2009. Creating artwork and flyers. Tracking down vendors for the vendors gallery. I will be running two Savage Worlds based role-playing games. Its been a hectic last couple of weeks. So much of that has been busy work and efforts. The convention is Saturday, December 5th at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan from 8AM to 11PM.

I will be posting about my experiences at U-Con on a later date. Not high on my list at the moment. Look for the Deck of Many Things, a PDF about the gaming industry. Heck, it might even become a page on the blog if you’re all lucky! 

Horror Master Noire signing out!